>>Anamorphosis Architects participate in 'Museums in the 21st Century:concepts,projects,buildings'


The design proposal focuses on the concept of a museum of history - not original historical exhibits. The design principle is based on the spatio-psychoanalytic concept of lack (deeply routed in Greek culture) as a critique against the notions of 'collection'/ 'acquisition'. Both as sense of loss of original pieces as well as creative spatial process, lack, led to the formulation of a new museological approach integrating exhibition and builiding into one. Spatiality is conceived, psychoanalytically, as the mode of history, and highlighted both as the major diachronic documentation of Greek civilisation (recurring, homeomorphing, collocating) and the main concept of the building: a spatial monument as opposed to a symbolic memorial.
The proposed continuous strip, self-evolving across the building, produces homeomorphic curved schemes in three distinct, spatial gestures/installations: a) the amphitheatre introducing Classical Antiquity, b) the dome introducing Byzantium, c) the sheltering cell introducing Modern times (17th - early 20th century), covering the overall museum space. Accordingly, three distinct lighting treatments are proposed: a) bright daylight, small sharp shadows, b) indirect, ambient, no shadows, c) cinematic side-lighting, long shadows. Yet, the strip surface employs a gradient synthesis of materials and construction techniques - varying from: a) tectonic, marble, stone, b) cast material, c) timber, glass and metal structures. Client: Foundation of Hellenic World, Athens. Total exhibition space: 6000 sq.m

The Exhibition and Research Centre, the Art & Education Centre for Children and the Museum of the Hellenic World are the three major complexes which form the Cultural Park of the Hellenic Cosmos (CPHC).


client: Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW) Pireaus Str., Athens

Nikos Georgiadis
Tota Mamalaki
Kostas Kakoyiannis
Vaios Zitonoulis

spatio-psychoanalytic concepts:
Nikos Georgiadis


exhibition director / museologist:
Maria Chryssafi

historic research: Dimitris Kakabouras Professor of History
FHW Historians team

history of architecture consultant:
Ioannis Arvanitis

structural engineer: Manos Kyriazis